1. Tell us your latest news.
Thanks for having me! There’s a lot going on. My latest release, Darkest Memory (Vampire tale) is getting rave reviews. Its sequel, Heart of Vesuvius was just contracted. Very exciting! The third novel in my Scottish Trilogy, Sylvan Mist is due to be released June 18th, through The Wild Rose Press.
2. What initially inspired you to become an author?
Better yet…who. My mom. When I won the first Young Author’s Award given to a New Hampshire second grader (a long time ago!) she never forgot and urged me to pursue a writing career. I finally took her advice and further educated at 24 years old through multiple correspondence courses. She was right. This is what I’m meant to do!
3. What is your favorite book? And Why?
Okay, I’m about to tell you something I’ve never divulged anywhere on the internet. I suppose my all time favorite book was Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach. Somehow I got my hands on a copy of this when I was very young. I wore the book down to threads. Loved it. Since then, I’ve had lots of favorites. Many in the romance genre. Unlikely we’ve the time to discuss them all!
4. Do you have a particular time of day to write? We love to hear about a writer’s process.
Hands down, I’m a night owl. When I first became published in 2007 my son was two. Writing at night was my only option. Worked for me. I pull a lot of inspiration from the night sky─the stars, moon, nature when it’s at its most silent.
5. What do you find to be the most difficult part of writing?
Honestly? And this might sound odd. But remembering everything I’ve learned about writing as I go along. It’s incredibly easy to slip back into bad writing habits. Even when you find your ‘voice’ and writing style, you can not forget the basics. I often refer to it as ‘training your brain.’
6. Do you have a favorite author?
That’s somewhat of a loaded question. I love so many. Who do I drift toward because their writing moves me along at a solid clip every single time? I’d say Lisa Kleypas, Christina Dodd and Julie Garwood.
7. Tell us about your first published work.
My first published work was Fate’s Monolith, the first novel in my Scottish Trilogy. It was the beginning of a trilogy inspired by my husband’s clan and mine. They were intermarried for 300 years back during the medieval period in Scotland. What were the odds that he and I would meet one another now? *smiles* You can see how a romance trilogy was born!
8. Do you have a favorite of your own works?
Yes, it will always be Destiny’s Denial, Book II in my Scottish Trilogy. This was the novel where I was able to bring my grandmother back to life. She became a character in my book!
9. Where can our readers find you on the web? Everywhere! At least it feels that way. *grins*. Just about all my locals can be found by Googling my name. The most important sites? My website (http://www.skypurington.com) blog (http://www.skypuringtonwrites.blogspot.com) and my Yahoo Group (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/skyromance/) Through these sites you can find me at a variety of places. I welcome new friends and followers at Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, and Author’s Den.
10. Where can they buy your books? Lots of places. Here are a few. The Wild Rose Press (http://www.thewildrosepress.com/index.php?main_page=advanced_search_result&search_in_description=1&keyword=sky+purington) Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=node%3D154606011&field-keywords=sky+purington&x=14&y=23) Barnes & Noble (http://productsearch.barnesandnoble.com/search/results.aspx?store=BOOK&WRD=sky+purington) and Sony (http://ebookstore.sony.com/search?keyword=sky+purington&x=9&y=2)
11. Anything you would like to add? Yes. I’d like to add that I have ongoing featured authors at my blog. I’m all about promoting the talent out there. Right now my Spring has Sprung Blog Event is going on. This event highlights authors published the first half of 2010. So far it’s been a blast! The prize? A gift certificate to The Wild Rose Press and a free Ecopy of the book being discussed that week. Pop over to my blog (http://skypuringtonwrites.blogspot.com) and leave a comment for a chance to win! Coming this summer, a blog event catering to authors who write about heroes out of the United Kingdom. Think Celtic, Regency, Highlander, etc.
Thanks for having me!
Hello Sky, what a fascinating interview. I found out a few more facts about you I didn't know. For instance, I loved Jonathan Livingston Seagull too, and given the choice, I'm a night owl and the stars inspired my writing too.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on Darkest Memory and your new Contract, and I can't wait for the release of Sylvan Mist.
Wishing you happiness and succerss in all you do, my friend.
Great interview ladies!!!! And congratulations Sky on so many great accomplishments!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your great review. Also good interview. Keep writing.